
26th may 1994
CHILD OF GOD! yhope eb2b ;D
shps: 4-6/12 '04-'06
dhs: 1K'07,2K'08, 3L '09
DHSJAB std3s'09

Rantings and ravings







joelle.(shps junior)


Created by Charisma
Found at Blogskins

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Finally went for MG yesterday, incredibly funny. Go to clar's blog for details, I can't be bothered to write><

From fonny's blog, which he said was from clar. Horrid person didn't put me in, humph!

Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4).
1. Clar
2. Clare
3. Kimbarney
4. Tabby
5. Mala
6. AngYuJian
7. Fonny
8. Shawn

These eight people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms, who would be in each room

Room 1 and 2- Clar, Clare, Kimbarney, Mala and me. ie all the girls. We'd just switch rooms/squezze into one as and when we'd like it.
Room 3- AYJ, Shawn and Fonny
Room 4- Spare room for putting books. games, etc and doing random stuff. Like playing wierd games.

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
Fonny. He's the only one who'd ever be singing loudly at any time.

If someone was considered the dad and the mom of the house, who would it be?
AYJ and Clare, for obvious easons. Guess who's scold everyone?

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
Anybody except Kim. She'd just scream really loudly and fight me off.

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
Um...anybody who's there I suppose. Does it matter? I don't think anyone would want to watch someone brush their teeth, unless it was Fon, who'd probaby go around making stupid remarks.
There was two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
Fonny, who else. I might have helped, though. I love food.

Who would hate being in the house the most?
No one. Well everyone might complain about Fonny's horrible habits and whatever wierd stuff he does, but he himself wouldn't mind. I suppose everyone whould be happy since we'd all be sharing our disgust.

Someone took your (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
Could be anyone. Maybe they wanted to make sock puppets. Or do something for dare.

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?
Nobody. I doubt we'd use a broom. Either we'd have one of those thingamajigs on a stick that lets you wipe the floor and change the cloth thingie, or someone (probably AYG) would invent something.

If there was arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
Clar and Fonny. And probably Kim, who'd join in later.

Who would be the one missing there boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn’t in the house with them?
I dounbt anyone has the ability to get a bf/gf in here, and those two aren't exectly separated, yes?

You walked down stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in there Leopard Thong, who is the crazy one?
Fonny in a streak of madness, or AYJ who's high on red bull. Possibly Kim, but not in the middle of the night, and not in leopard thongs.

A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
Fonny or Kim, the crazy ones.

Theres a marathon of your favorite tv show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
I don't have one, but I think we'd all just watch it together and make really stupid comments, especially about really insignificant things. And Clare would tell us to shut up and listen.

Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
Kim would start it. And then the other girls would follow. And one of the guys (or all at the same time) would start pelting stuff at us.

There’s a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who are the pranksters?
AYJ, Shawn and Fonny. Possibly Kim.

The music's too loud, who turned it up?
Fonny. Possibly Shawn.

Theres a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?
Kim (And possibly scare it away)
b)and who is the one to jump is someones arms?
c)Who would be the one to kill it?
AYJ/Shawn (Shawn who'd throw something in a really gay sort of way at it.
d)Who would be the one to pet it and call it adorable before someone mashes its brains in?

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
FON! Cause everybody else can actually cook/can't cook and wouldn't be stupid enough to try.

Someones tanning on the roof who is it?
Definitely Shawn. I'd love to climb up on the roof because I love heights and it sounds fun, but I'm already tan enough, thank you very much.

Who is the tallest in the house?
Shawn. Duh.

Who is the shortest in the house?
Kim. Duh again.

Who is the loudest?
Kim, wouldn't you know it.

Who laughs the loudest?
Kim again. And the most hysterically.

Who laughs the most?

Who is the clown?
Fonny and Shawn. And - guess who - Kim!

Who is the most respectful?
Clare? The guai kia.

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?
Shawn. And Fonny. And AYJ. Especially with red bull.

Who's in bed first?

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
Probably Fon. Might be Kim though. And maybe I'd join her if I was awake by then.

Who is always dancing?
Fon - duh.

You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one to slip on it first?
Definitely Shawn.
Who is always playing some form of instrument?
Clar- with her fogotten piano skills. Nah. More likely me with my guitar and AYJ standing there bugging me to go learn six coliide.

Who is always raising their eyebrows at the antics of everyone else?
Shawn, with his attempted smug 'aaangmoh' face, and possibly Clar with her look. That, is, before they join in/get pulled in.

What room would all of you like installed in the house?

A GIGANTIC library, like the sort you find sometimes in ASOUE. We bookworms would love it. There'd be a com for everybody, of course. And some people, especially Clar and I, would eat there while reading. And we'd have some really huge couches to just flop on and read to our hearts' content. Ah, pure pleasure!

I stopped ranting at | 10:28 PM

Monday, June 22, 2009


some interesting stuff after my birthday:

1)CG on wednesday at cornerstone, day after birthday. get a nice big manila envelope with lots of notes inside, and a baby shirt with "I *heart* CG" on it. I think XD get a nice little cake too! Pose for pictures with others and sexy - we blow out the candles together. Pity she couldnt stay for affirmation time - I got loads of nice stuff sad to me though, awww. sniffsniff. lol but it was SO FUN! =D Heart-shaped balloons are fun. THANK YOU SISTERS! =D

2)Simlin gives me a purple friendship band some time after my birthday. Was it thursday? Anyway it was really really nice, I've always wondered how they make that sort of pattern. Thanks friend, REALLY love it! (love it, need it, crave it.) haha. THANKS!

3)Friday, after last RT. At the bomb shelter, Charlotte says lets sing a birthday song, and the squad sings me the birthday song, gosh. After that yufeng, aka _________, presents me with a purple carebear (this year's colour seems to be purple), saying she wanted to get pink, but was under the impression I didn't like that colour. I confirm her statement, and so does Daniel. I go home happily playing with the bear on the way back home and feeling its soft fur XD It's now up on my bed backboard, along with the 612 kitty.

and with that, on to CAMP!!!
well not now, Ive gotta go sleep.
toodles! =D

I stopped ranting at | 9:12 AM